Registration Required of All Student-Athletes

Students will not be allowed to practice or compete until the below requirements are met. 

Parent Permission Form (required for all school sports teams, school ski trips, Outing Club Trips, etc)

All students must have an up to date (yearly) Parent Permission and Health Questionnaire form on file with the high school main office before participating in any of our programs. This form is completed along with each students' yearly school registration, so if you have fully registered your student for school, you have already met this requirement. Homeschooled students who have not completed the online student registration can complete co-curricular registration at the appropriate link below.

Click here for Belfast Area High School student registration into high school co-curricular activities such as sports, clubs, etc.

Click here for home-schooled registration into high school co-curricular activities such as sports, clubs, etc.

Medical Physical Requirement (required)

All students must have a current medical physical (clearance) form on file with the high school main office before participating in any of our sports programs. Physicals must be completed every 24 months. Most doctors have their own sports physical form. If your doctor does not have a form, you can download a generic one here and provide it to them. Please submit all sports physicals during the online registration process. If you have already registered your child for school, but have not submitted a copy of your child's medical physical, you may send it to the main office via Paulette Saunders <>.

Concussions (required before returning to play if a concussion has been sustained)

Return to Play Form Download Here