Creativity, Activity and Service at BAHS

We encourage all our students to develop well-roundedness and overall wellness through the three pillars of CAS.

Each student at BAHS is expected to complete at least one experience/commitment to each pillar of CAS each year they attend BAHS. Database of CAS Examples

Students explore and share their CAS experiences through their homerooms. Homeroom teachers keep record of CAS commitments. CAS Evaluation Form

The seven learning outcomes of each CAS experience are:

The specifics, goals and time requirements of each CAS commitment vary. A team of five (Student, Parent, Mentor, Advisor and Coordinator) determine/define and guide each experience collaboratively.

In addition to the student and parent, the CAS Advisor is the homeroom teacher. The Mentor/Supervisor is usually a coach, director, club advisor or project coordinator. The CAS Coordinators are the BAHS Year-Level Leaders and Administration.